Where Your Power to Change Your World Begins

In just 12-weeks we go from depleted, overwhelmed, stressed about money or love, stuck, confused and frustrated to very quickly, even after the first day: empowered with potent, practical energy tools to mastering their world gracefully. Imagine: you are restored to your Inner Heart's Knowing, Your Wisdom and Trust Your Intuition. You become the unique, beautiful, powerful and compassionate person you were meant to be.

Who Should Take This Course

Those who want a lasting transformation, fast and easy, no fuss, no struggle, no homework. Entrepreneurial, creative professionals, coaches and consultants who have hit a ceiling in life, love and/or business who find they are keeping it together but getting nowhere, learn the rules and then the rules change, leaving them overwhelmed, wilted and in the same or worse place. Anyone who knows there must be more to life than struggle and who wants to restore themselves to their full Divine Humanity, to create joy for themselves, their families and gently change the way we do life and business to heal ourselves and our planet.

Discover Your Purpose, Passion & Truth of Being YOU

This personal and intimate group coaching identifies your unique blocks and sabotaging patterns and clears them creating gentle, easy, dynamic break throughs to  step into the life you are meant to live filled with ease and empowerment , more fun, more money, more freedom. 

It's easier, faster and more lasting than anything you can imaging.  

Aligned with the Truth of who you are, you will live your unique Heart's desires, your gifts can now be accessed to impact and flourish your business, your relationships, your life, family, community and the world. 

We need you, join us now!

Schedule Your Discovery Call

This is not a sales call. We'll see if you and the course are a match.

Get A Free LifeSurfing Video Experience Where YOU WILL Leave Confident, Empowered and Laughing at HOW EASY IT IS!

This video experience is so easy! While covering the things mentioned below we release your unconscious block! -- You will experience restored confidence, empowerment, a clearing for your health & joy!

We cover:

  • You & Your Spirit:

    • Imposter Syndrome? Pffft, Nah! We delete it! Yes, seriously!

    • Your Life: Pivots and Milestones

    • Being Guided By Your Inner Knowing

    • 2025

  • Mind:

    • The Power of Setting Targets Not Goals

    • Trust and Watch the Gathering Process

  • Body & Space:

    • Do Your Spaces Foster the Imposter? What to Look for and How to Change it! 

    • The Negative Power of Design Shame to Negate Your Desires

Get Your Free LifeSurfing Video Experience

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What People Are Saying

“Revolutionary! This shifted my life and I'm so fulfilled and happy! Fawn is a Master...she is amazing! She makes things clear, easy and *drumroll* #fun! Found the love of my life, bought a beautiful house, changed my career, and just got back from 3 weeks vacation in France! We shifted what was holding me stuck and throughout each step she guided us with the most exquisite kindness and knowledge, about life, about energy, and her eye for design is impeccable. I'd still be in my old life if it weren't for her and this course! ”

- Andrea E.

“I actually felt the unconscious block release, it's amazing you can do this over a Zoom call! I am more centered, my life is easier, happier and I know the timing of my life with certainty. This is a gift! Thank you! ”

- Sarina K.

“Fawn's course has provided a significant shift for the positive. I love Fawn's approach, authenticity, compassion, as well as the multitude of tools she provides to empower students to make a difference in their own lives.”

Mindy A, Albuquerque, NM, USA

“I can't believe how this works. Fawn always shifts the energy around me and life gets better and better. So kind and gentle, she has the ability to see beyond the obvious to the underlying structure and make changes to my energy field and then we top it off with shifts to the environment. I don't know how she does it, but SHE always gets me to clarity and more joy. It's fun and she makes it so easy! She belongs on MindValley or the World Stage, this is THAT good!”

- Becky F.

“I was stumped, going in so many different directions in my life and nothing was coming together! One session with Fawn sorted it all out and got me out of spinning my wheels - I couldn't get to it and one session, wow! Don't wait - do this and then pop the champagne! ”

- Maggie K.

“I had no idea that my relationship with my daughter could shift so easily. Fawn takes you into places gently and easily and you come out the other side with a glow and sparkles, everything is better. Thank you! ”

Julie A, Pittsburgh, PA

“Fawn delivers. Transformation and joy, gentle and happy. What's better than that? ”

Sophie G., Orlando, FL USA

How The Course Works

Transformation Delivered! This is the MOST gentle, easy, and effortless approach to your empowered life.

  • Each Monday we have a one and a half hour session

    Weekly Live Sessions

    Each week I walk you through a series of different processes connecting you to your knowing, intuition, heart's desires and empowerment. We map out your targets, define what’s blocking you and we remove it – Yes, we remove the blocks, easy, painless and the coolest thing, because we can!

  • Personal, Private Coaching with Fawn

    One Hour Private Energy Session, value $500

    You will have a private, personal session with me, one hour. Here we get acquainted, we discover your unique unconscious patterns and blocks and remove those, we define your unmet needs and we even learn how your ancestral survival patterns which are hindering the greatness of you living your Heart’s Desires. In addition, I am always available for your wins, questions and to provide clarity.

  • The Entire Course Recorded and Always Yours

    Tools, Worksheets, Videos, Audios, and Personal Calls All Recorded and Accessible Within the Course

    Including tools, meditations, audio and videos to help you review and restore whenever you want.

What We Do

  • We gently & naturally restore your confidence, hone your focus, shift your perceptions, remove unconscious patterns and blocks (yes remove), dissolve your fears, help you identify why you are using excuses, we make it easy to keep you on track and flowing.

  • We embrace the power of gentle which is the way of the body and of Nature. Throughout the course, you will be amazed at how uplifted you are and feel when the unconscious stress and patterns are gently dissolved.

  • We embrace the power of gentle which is the way of the body and of Nature. Throughout the course, you will be amazed at how uplifted you are and feel when the unconscious stress and patterns are gently dissolved.

  • We help you find your best, unique, most powerful personal daily rhythms, discover tools for improving your time management skills - this is particularly powerful and not at all what you might think!

  • You learn simple ways to keep your personal results powerful, your vibration and happiness high, your belief in yourself fierce and your movement towards your joyful, expansive life unwavering.

  • You will have a personal session with me, one hour, where we discover your unconscious patterns and blocks, define your unmet needs and learn how your ancestral survival patterns are hindering the greatness of you living your Heart’s Desires. In addition, I am always available for your wins, questions and to provide clarity.

  • You will learn how to use these powerful “LifeSurfing” tools and have them for the rest of your life. Together we take you out of struggle and deliver you into mastery.

  • You immediately begin living with more ease, more happiness and the reality of your heart’s desires — what you have been working hard for but always has seemed just out of reach.

I'm Fawn Chang

… I am a master of energy, mind, body, spirit and spaces, using what I call Behavioral Interior Design. I always knew that life was never meant to be a struggle and for over 30 years I have designed and taught, sought and traveled to discover the way that life could be easy and I found it. It is my love and privilege and to show others how to master their worlds, lives, loves and the energy field we all live in. It wasn't all rainbows and unicorns for me, having honed my "ch'i" after a broken neck, lovely marriage and two wonderful sons and bloody divorce, I was broken, hitting the ceiling of life and no matter what I did, it was like my foot was nailed to the ground. I journeyed and discovered through energy medicine, studying with the worlds Masters, traveling, speaking, using my knowledge of energy to change others lives, I put together this course because I am proof it works and so are the others who have taken this course. It's true: "The Rich Are Different" and in a world overwhelmed by "lack-speak" this course turns the tables and sets you back into your gentle, nourished and nourishing power.